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The Elite Men's magazine of Hip-hop Culture

"Keystone Sober Living House"

By Anonymous

Joseph Lindwall is house manager at Keystone Sober Living.

I went back to smoking and watching TV. A night away from Joseph and The Keystone was what I needed. I didn’t need weed. But I wanted to float as far from The Keystone as I could.

I returned Sunday afternoon. Kay and Joseph were having a house meeting. They never had house meetings. I felt awkward but walked into my room. I heard Joseph preaching to the residents.

He ended with a verse from the bible and then knocked on my door. He asked could he meet me in the bathroom so he could drug test me?

In the bathroom, I stood with my penis out for ten minutes. Joseph watched me. I left for drinking water. Next, I spent 10 minutes holding my penis with Joseph watching. I felt violated and sexually harassed.

Joseph showed signs of homosexuality. He hung his tutu body sponge on the shower for two weeks. That’s a sign meaning a gay man uses this restroom.

The drug test’s line for THC was too light. “I could let this slide,” Joseph said. “Or I could open another test. They’re expensive. But when it’s like this, I usually get another one.”

Joseph put a new test in the cup of urine. He squeezed the cup so the urine would suffuse the test. He held the test at eye level.

“Hmm. So when did you smoke marijuana?” Joseph asked.

“I didn’t. It was an edible from my job. I didn’t know.”

“If you had told me that you consumed THC, when you did it, I wouldn’t kick you out.”

Joseph told me to grab my shit and split. I asked a refund. Kay said no and that I couldn’t stay. “But I’ll be homeless. Sleeping in my car on the curb.”

“Yeah. That’s about what happened to me,” Joseph said.

While I packed, they talked about where to have lunch.

Kay, however, gave me a phone number to Action Alliance, an alcoholic’s anonymous housing support program. I compared that to when I heard her tell someone, “I don’t want in my house no more! Don’t come back!”

Steve at Action Alliance referred me to a house on Mildred Avenue in Garden Grove. Mildred is my grandmother’s name. Three days later I moved into a condo. I brought, from action alliance, roaches and a fungal infected foot.